Love of my Life

Love of my Life

Heart Mother

One day my world came crashing down,I'll never be the same.They told me that my child was sick.I thought, "am I to blame"?I don't think I can handle this.I am really not that strong.It seemed my heart was breaking.I have loved him for so long.I will not give up on this child.I will listen to your advice.I will give my child any chance.No matter what the price.I will learn all that I need to help my child thrive.I'll even use that feeding tube.My child must survive!Will he need a lot of therapy?Will he gain the needed weight?Please God, help me do this.I will accept our fate.When the monitors beep at night, it serves as my reminder.How many parents would love that sound.Tomorrow I will be kinder.As another Angel earns his wings,I run to my child's bed.I watch him sleep for quite a while.I bend down and kiss his head.I cry for the parents whose hearts have been broken.I look to You wondering why?Oh Lord, I just can't know your matter how I try.And yet, I trust you hold his life, and guide us through each day.My mind says savor each moment he's here,but my heart begs, "PLEASE let him stay"!From pacing the surgical waiting room, to sitting by his bed.From wishing for a good nights sleep, to learning every med.From wondering, "will he be alright?", to watching him reach out his hands.With every smile my heart just melts, despite life's harsh demands.For all who see that faded line.I look to them and smile.You see my child is loved so much.I would face ANY trial.That scar I trace with my finger (It's the door to his beautiful heart).God must have known how much I'd love him (Just as He loved him from the start).A heart mom is always a heart mom.Now wise beyond her years.For those who have angels in heaven,Our hearts share in all of your tears.Every day I will try and remember,I was chosen for him (and no other).I will always embrace that beautiful day.......When I became a "Heart Mother"

Friday, December 16, 2011


How this all started Shane's brother just moved to Oahu and is to shipping out at the end of the month.

 it was a face book message "when are you coming to visit"

That started it all.

We decided that just Shane and I would go to see his brother for three days and I could have a break!!!

One hour before I was to leave I just couldn't leave my baby boy and I felt awful to leave my girls.

I told Shane that I was going to bring Connor with us?!!! So I threw his bag together and off we went.

To make a long story short my sitter for the girls had a rough day the day she was to come and sit so I called my BFF and begged to bring my girls to me and she said yes !!!!

So the three day vcay became a 6 day trip to Hawaii

It had it ups and downs

all I can say is it is way too hard to stay at someones home and even harder when the brothers wife doesn't like you ????

 did I mention this is only the second time I've met her?

It was really Shane's fault !!! Let me explain Shane and his brother would take off every morning to snorkel etc and leave me with all the kids not my idea of vacation but I loved having my kids have a break and play together I just wish my husband would not be such a kid and be more with us

 anyway he bought groceries for me {Lucky me } to make dinner for everyone and they wanted spaghetti so I cooked after a fun fun day at the beach next thing I know brothers wife came down and ripped into me because I was cooking red meat ...............................I guess they forgot to mention she doesn't want red meat cooked in her house and her pans.
 she threw the window open and left to her room for the rest of the night and that is how the rest of the week went !!!!!!


I guess that was it for her, she would made it clear that she didn't want me in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 while my husband told me I was the one making the issues


 I put on my big girls pants and did what was best for my kids

They had a blast

 I must say on the plane ride home I thought my relationship was over he blamed me for not going the extra mile and making her happy WHT

Anyway I will NEVER NEVER stay with FAMILY again !!!!!

Onto the good stuff

My Connor is a beach LOVER he loves the waves, sand etc would not stay out of the waves ....I wish we lived in Hawaii!

Jossy loved everything she was swimming in the waves collecting shells, She loved it so much

Whitt she is just amazing she was with the locals boogie boarding and paddle surfing she is just amazing anything she tries she can do

It was worth all the DRAMA to see my children SMILE and the Love I have for my children is so so amazing

Just look at the photos..................................... I still cant believe we were in Hawaii

PS this was my christmas gift so so worth it for my kids


Angee and Thom said...

wow Hawaii! I must talk to you more about Connor flying- I thought Severin will never be able to fly...

driojas said...

wow what great pics!!! I'm glad to see my sissy having a good time with her second family! :)