Okay after all my efforts my little Connor is sick and I hate it ........................I hate worrying if it turns into more then a cold that we may have to run to Primarys............I hate knowing that it is making his heart work harder then it should .........................I can not sleep I just am too worried about him being so stuffy.
Most of all I hate it when people don't take my if you are sick please dont come to my house warning .....................I guess they just don't get that Connor's heart is already working overtime and we worry about it going into failure before the Fontane.............................
I am so so mad at myself I have kept him away from all and stayed home just to get him sick I want to scream .....................................I know it does no good to rant but it makes me feel some what better>>>>>
Also Its been a hard week in my relationship ................I dont know why but it seems all goes wrong at the same time ...................I wonder what in this life did I do to have all this come down at once................Maybe karma from all the bad mistakes when I was so so young and dumb really I was just an idiot .................................I also found out some news about a person that has been bothering me but was told not to tell and if I did my marriage would be in trouble?????? I guess I am 5 year old again being told what I can and can not do ..................I know when something is wrong and this is wrong................ I would want someone to tell me if my @#$@#@ was doing this I have to face this person and not tell .................................I really hate it...................... but then I think maybe its for the best just to live in a fantasy world and not be told the truth I don't know it just makes me think twice about promises and marriage what is wrong in this world really what is going on ...................................................
Transplant 4
1 week ago
Oh Ivy,
I am sorry little Connor is sick!! It's so hard and NO, NO ONE gets the clue until u turn into a super beast and offened every person u know by telling them to stay away!! :0) Really it sucks!! I bet he will be fine, just keep checking those sats. Kylie has gotten about 3 colds and everyone was borderline hospital visits but we steared clear.
I am so sorry life is so stressful for u right now. Really makes me feel bad! U r such a sweet person I just don't understand? I think it all comes with having a "sick" baby things change. Please let me know if I can help? Or even be ur vent person LOL
Keep your chin up. There will be better days. This life is far from easy! Men are SO MUCH DIFFERENT than women!!!!!
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